The Faux Frais of Elections

Lincoln was right, the world will little note nor long remember what we say, and with good reason. Most of the pre-election analysis of this 2016 rabbit hole is tripe ending in confusion and worry. If I hoped browsing history...
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Knitting in Istanbul

Knitting in Istanbul
People live in Istanbul. Little kids. Old women. They’re just trying to get by no different than you or me. They drive cars and ride bicycles and knit. I visited Istanbul in 2005. Here are some pictures. Peace to the...
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The Austerity/Productivity Trap

The Austerity/Productivity Trap
Municipality, strapped for cash, demands firefighters work 33 percent more for the same salary. Simultaneously, a man 75 miles away reports an annual income of $1.4 billion. State and federal tax policy that favors wealth hoarding prevents those same governments...
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FCC = Frozen Communications Commission?

This: Federal Communications Commission Letter to Attorney Krayeske The FCC still has not made a decision about whether or not John Rowland’s use of WTIC-1080AM’s airtime for his bribery scheme impacts WTIC’s license renewal. In fact, the FCC hasn’t even...
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Reject Islamophobia. Muslims Welcome Here.

How does creative non-violent resistance respond to calls for banning of all Muslims from entering the United States? I am not sure, but the response needs to be swift and forceful. I was surprised mainstream political dialogue in this country...
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Comedy as Imperialist Propaganda: Spy, the Movie

From the moment the CIA logo flashed on on the screen after the opening credits of Melissa McCarthy’s new secret-agent flick “Spy”, I knew the script wore the Agency’s imprimatur. “Spy” features McCarthy as an overweight CIA agent who has...
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Pregnancy Law In the USA = Really Bad

Pregnancy Law In the USA = Really Bad
Pregnancy discrimination law, and the failure of the United States of America to have a policy providing paid maternity leave to mothers (and fathers) is an international shame. America, my friends, is one of the cruelest countries on the planet...
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