Jesselyn Radack for SCOTUS

Jesselyn Radack struck me like Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg did. Directed and smart, with a plan. If we’re lucky, Radack may someday sit on the U.S. Supreme Court. And in a just world, Radack would. Why? Radack has...
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Appeal and Reconsideration of MUR 6604

Columnist’s Note: In June 2012, I filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission against WTIC-1080AM, arguing that the radio station violated federal election law because its agent, talk show host John Rowland, struck a secret deal to campaign for...
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Free Jane Doe

Decompensation is the medical term for the inability to maintain psychological defenses in response to stress. Decompensation results in personality disturbance or psychological imbalance. In terms of post-traumatic stress disorder, decompensation to this layman seems the phenomenon when the person...
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The Connecticut Free College Coalition

Our response to the University of Connecticut’s latest 6.5 percent annual tuition hike should be to start the Connecticut Free College Coalition. UConn justifies this imposition of new financial burdens on students and their families by claiming the legislature slashed...
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Black Panthers Occupy Tomorrow?

  This is not a column, this is a call to action. Sunday afternoon, a crowd more than 100 gathered at the church of democracy, the Hartford Public Library, to worship action, past, present and future. The ceremony consisted of...
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Greenwich Stands Its Ground

Governments of, by and for the people – run by human beings – are inevitably prone to mistakes. The test of good government is how those running an administration deal with a mishap, or worse yet, illegal actions. What if...
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CT Must Criminalize Wage Theft

If I work at McDonald’s, and I decide that the wages I earn are insufficient to meet my needs, and I begin skimming off the top of the register in the drive thru, McDonald’s can prosecute me for theft (probably...
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Pass the Donut, Eat the Rich

“How much is the banana?” I asked the clerk at the donut joint. She looked for the button on the register, and couldn’t find it. “What?” I said. “I can’t hear you. I have a banana in my ear.” She...
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Policies Should Encourage City Living

Policies Should Encourage City Living
Going home for the holidays provided a stark reminder of the open space that once was. I grew up in Watertown, formerly a farming community with a small industrial base in the center of town, near the rivers. The rural...
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